I never did anything in life to any one's imagination.
 Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady (1881). copy citation

Author Henry James
Source The Portrait of a Lady
Topic imagination
Date 1881
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2833/2833-h/2833-h.htm


“«Pray let me hear then,» said Mrs. Touchett, «of the fruits of your penetration. If I can't speak to him, however, at least I can speak to Isabel.»
Her companion sounded at this the note of warning. «Don't be too quick with her. Don't inflame her imagination.»
«I never did anything in life to any one's imagination. But I'm always sure of her doing something—well, not of my kind.»
«No, you wouldn't like this,» Madame Merle observed without the point of interrogation.
«Why in the world should I, pray?” source

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