Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.
 William Shakespeare, The Tempest (1623). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source The Tempest
Topic hell devils
Date 1623
Language English
Reference The Tempest, Act I, Scene 2
Note Written between 1610 and 1611 Ariel line
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/1135/pg1135-images.html

Meaning and analysis

Kwize Master Ariel, a magical spirit in Prospero's service, reports on the storm his master had commanded him to sink his hated brother's ship. While he details the crash he created to scare sailors, he quotes Prince Ferdinand, who, jumping off the ship to save himself, claims that all demons must have escaped from hell to find themselves at the heart of this apocalypse.
useful useless
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