Power and wealth are desirable for the sake of honour
 Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy (1945). copy citation


“for there can be no honour that is worthy of perfect virtue, yet he will at any rate accept it since they have nothing greater to bestow on him; but honour from casual people and on trifling grounds he will utterly despise, since it is not this that he deserves, and dishonour too, since in his case it cannot be just.... Power and wealth are desirable for the sake of honour; and to him for whom even honour is a little thing the others must be so too. Hence magnanimous men are thought to be disdainful.... The magnanimous man does not run into trifling dangers, ... but he will face great dangers, and when he is in danger he is unsparing of his life, knowing that there are conditions on which life is not worth having.” source