Man is an animal who cooks his food: Man is a featherless biped.
 John Stuart Mill, A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive (1843). copy citation


“The following are correct definitions of Man, according to this test: Man is a mammiferous animal, having (by nature) two hands (for the human species answers to this description, and no other animal does) : Man is an animal who cooks his food: Man is a featherless biped. What would otherwise be a mere description, may be raised to the rank of a real definition by the peculiar purpose which the speaker or writer has in view. As was seen in the preceding chapter, it may, for the ends of a particular art or science, or for the more convenient statement of an author's particular doctrines, be advisable to give to some general name, without altering its denotation, a special connotation, different from its ordinary one.” source