But though we can not attain to so many truths, there is no reason that those we can attain should deserve less reliance, or have less of a scientific character.
 John Stuart Mill, A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive (1843). copy citation


“There are reasons enough why the moral sciences must remain inferior to at least the more perfect of the physical; why the laws of their more complicated phenomena can not be so completely deciphered, nor the phenomena predicted with the same degree of assurance. But though we can not attain to so many truths, there is no reason that those we can attain should deserve less reliance, or have less of a scientific character. Of this topic, however, I shall treat more systematically in the concluding Book, to which place any further consideration of it must be deferred.
[pg 425] Chapter XXIV. Of The Remaining Laws Of Nature.” source