The qualities of the mind are selfishness and limited generosity
 David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature (1738). copy citation

Author David Hume
Source A Treatise of Human Nature
Topic selfishness generosity
Date 1738
Language English


“I have already observed, that justice takes its rise from human conventions; and that these are intended as a remedy to some inconveniences, which proceed from the concurrence of certain qualities of the human mind with the situation of external objects. The qualities of the mind are selfishness and limited generosity: And the situation of external objects is their easy change, joined to their scarcity in comparison of the wants and desires of men. But however philosophers may have been bewildered in those speculations, poets have been guided more infallibly, by a certain taste or common instinct, which in most kinds of reasoning goes farther than any of that art and philosophy, with which we have been yet acquainted.” source