Men's tempers are different, and some have a propensity to the tender, and others to the rougher, affections
 David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature (1738). copy citation

Author David Hume
Source A Treatise of Human Nature
Topic temper affection
Date 1738
Language English


“Were there an universal love among all human creatures, it would appear after the same manner. Any degree of a good quality would cause a stronger affection than the same degree of a bad quality would cause hatred; contrary to what we find by experience. Men's tempers are different, and some have a propensity to the tender, and others to the rougher, affections: But in the main, we may affirm, that man in general, or human nature, is nothing but the object both of love and hatred, and requires some other cause, which by a double relation of impressions and ideas, may excite these passions.” source