Vanity is rather to be esteemed a social passion, and a bond of union among men.
 David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature (1738). copy citation

Author David Hume
Source A Treatise of Human Nature
Topic vanity union
Date 1738
Language English


“No one can doubt, that the convention for the distinction of property, and for the stability of possession, is of all circumstances the most necessary to the establishment of human society, and that after the agreement for the fixing and observing of this rule, there remains little or nothing to be done towards settling a perfect harmony and concord. All the other passions, besides this of interest, are either easily restrained, or are not of such pernicious consequence, when indulged. Vanity is rather to be esteemed a social passion, and a bond of union among men. Pity and love are to be considered in the same light. And as to envy and revenge, though pernicious, they operate only by intervals, and are directed against particular persons, whom we consider as our superiors or enemies.” source