For anything that moves round about in a circle, in less times than our ideas are wont to succeed one another in our minds, is not perceived to move
 John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689). copy citation


“On the contrary, things that move so swift as not to affect the senses distinctly with several distinguishable distances of their motion, and so cause not any train of ideas in the mind, are not also perceived. For anything that moves round about in a circle, in less times than our ideas are wont to succeed one another in our minds, is not perceived to move; but seems to be a perfect entire circle of the matter or colour, and not a part of a circle in motion. 9. The Train of Ideas has a certain Degree of Quickness. Hence I leave it to others to judge, whether it be not probable that our ideas do, whilst we are awake, succeed one another in our minds at certain distances;” source