Virtuous and vicious every man must be, Few in th' extreme, but all in the degree, The rogue and fool by fits is fair and wise; And even the best, by fits, what they despise.
 Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man (1734). copy citation

Author Alexander Pope
Source An Essay on Man
Topic despise good
Date 1734
Language English


“No creature owns it in the first degree, But thinks his neighbour farther gone than he; Even those who dwell beneath its very zone, Or never feel the rage, or never own; What happier nations shrink at with affright, The hard inhabitant contends is right. Virtuous and vicious every man must be, Few in th' extreme, but all in the degree, The rogue and fool by fits is fair and wise; And even the best, by fits, what they despise. 'Tis but by parts we follow good or ill; For, vice or virtue, self directs it still; Each individual seeks a several goal; But Heaven's great view is one, and that the whole. That counter-works each folly and caprice;” source