Wealth in the gross is death, but life diffused; As poison heals, in just proportion used
 Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man (1734). copy citation

Author Alexander Pope
Source An Essay on Man
Topic wealth death
Date 1734
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2428/2428-h/2428-h.htm


“That secret rare, between the extremes to move Of mad good-nature, and of mean self-love. B. To worth or want well weighed, be bounty given, And ease, or emulate, the care of Heaven (Whose measure full o'erflows on human race) ; Mend Fortune's fault, and justify her grace. Wealth in the gross is death, but life diffused; As poison heals, in just proportion used: In heaps, like ambergrise, a stink it lies, But well dispersed, is incense to the skies. P. Who starves by nobles, or with nobles eats? The wretch that trusts them, and the rogue that cheats. Is there a lord who knows a cheerful noon Without a fiddler, flatterer, or buffoon?” source