When a man may not be spoken with, to speak to him is to err in reference to our words.
 Confucius, Analects. copy citation

Author Confucius
Source Analects
Topic reference words
Language English
Note Translated by James Legge
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/3330/pg3330-images.html


“When bad government prevails, he can roll his principles up, and keep them in his breast.' CHAP. VII. The Master said, 'When a man may be spoken with, not to speak to him is to err in reference to the man. When a man may not be spoken with, to speak to him is to err in reference to our words. The wise err neither in regard to their man nor to their words.' CHAP. VIII. The Master said, 'The determined scholar and the man of virtue will not seek to live at the expense of injuring their virtue.” source