“ Woman, essentially a purist, is naturally bigotted and relentless in her effort to make others as good as she thinks they ought to be. ”
Emma Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays (1910). copy citation
Author | Emma Goldman |
Source | Anarchism and Other Essays |
Topic | effort women |
Date | 1910 |
Language | English |
Reference | |
Note | |
Weblink | http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2162/2162-h/2162-h.htm |
“Wherein, then, are the advantages to woman and society from woman suffrage? The oft-repeated assertion that woman will purify politics is also but a myth. It is not borne out by the people who know the political conditions of Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah.
Woman, essentially a purist, is naturally bigotted and relentless in her effort to make others as good as she thinks they ought to be. Thus, in Idaho, she has disfranchised her sister of the street, and declared all women of "lewd character" unfit to vote. "Lewd" not being interpreted, of course, as prostitution IN marriage. It goes without saying that illegal prostitution and gambling have been prohibited.”