Woman in the battle with life has but one weapon, one commodity—sex.
 Emma Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays (1910). copy citation

Author Emma Goldman
Source Anarchism and Other Essays
Topic sex battle
Date 1910
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2162/2162-h/2162-h.htm


“The inevitability of that force is summed up in the following words: "Don't you know that we count no more in the life of these men than tamed animals? It's a game, and if we don't play our cards well, we lose." Woman in the battle with life has but one weapon, one commodity—sex. That alone serves as a trump card in the game of life. This blind fatalism has made of woman a parasite, an inert thing. Why then expect perseverance or energy of Laura? The easiest way is the path mapped out for her from time immemorial.” source