Property has not even the time-worn excuse that man does not create enough to satisfy all needs.
 Emma Goldman, Anarchism and Other Essays (1910). copy citation

Author Emma Goldman
Source Anarchism and Other Essays
Topic excuse property
Date 1910
Language English


“said the great French Anarchist, Proudhon. Yes, but without risk and danger to the robber. Monopolizing the accumulated efforts of man, property has robbed him of his birthright, and has turned him loose a pauper and an outcast. Property has not even the time-worn excuse that man does not create enough to satisfy all needs. The A B C student of economics knows that the productivity of labor within the last few decades far exceeds normal demand a hundredfold. But what are normal demands to an abnormal institution? The only demand that property recognizes is its own gluttonous appetite for greater wealth, because wealth means power;” source