The wisest man will let himself be swayed
By others' wisdom and relax in time.
 Sophocles, Antigone (c. 441 BC). copy citation

Author Sophocles
Source Antigone
Topic wisdom time
Date c. 441 BC
Language English
Note Translated by F. Storr


“Therefore, my father, cling not to one mood, And deemed not thou art right, all others wrong. For whoso thinks that wisdom dwells with him, That he alone can speak or think aright, Such oracles are empty breath when tried. The wisest man will let himself be swayed By others' wisdom and relax in time. See how the trees beside a stream in flood Save, if they yield to force, each spray unharmed, But by resisting perish root and branch. The mariner who keeps his mainsheet taut, And will not slacken in the gale, is like” source