A man at his age forgives a woman anything, if the woman only encourages him.
 Wilkie Collins, Armadale (1864). copy citation

Author Wilkie Collins
Source Armadale
Topic age women
Date 1864
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1895/1895-h/1895-h.htm


“It is headed ‘private and confidential,’ and signed ‘Lydia Armadale.’ There is nothing in it to compromise me, if the old fool is mortally offended by my treatment of him, and if he spitefully shows my letter to other people. But I don’t believe he will do this. A man at his age forgives a woman anything, if the woman only encourages him. I have requested him, as a personal favor, to keep our correspondence for the present strictly private. I have hinted that my married life with my deceased husband has not been a happy one; and that I feel the injudiciousness of having married a young man.” source