A man who can’t give a proper account of himself is not a man for a gentleman in your position to take by the hand.
 Wilkie Collins, Armadale (1864). copy citation

Author Wilkie Collins
Source Armadale
Topic gentleman accounting
Date 1864
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1895/1895-h/1895-h.htm


“Brock, on rising to take leave, impulsively offered his hand, and then, with a sudden misgiving, confusedly drew it back again. “You meant that kindly, sir,” said Ozias Midwinter, with his own hands crossed resolutely behind him. “I don’t complain of your thinking better of it. A man who can’t give a proper account of himself is not a man for a gentleman in your position to take by the hand.” Mr. Brock left the inn thoroughly puzzled. Before returning to Mrs. Armadale he sent for her son. The chances were that the guard had been off the stranger’s tongue when he spoke to Allan, and with Allan’s frankness there was no fear of his concealing anything that had passed between them from the rector’s knowledge.” source