When men lie they always try to make it too artistic, and that's why women get suspicious.
 Sinclair Lewis, Babbitt (1922). copy citation

Author Sinclair Lewis
Source Babbitt
Topic women lie
Date 1922
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1156/1156-h/1156-h.htm


“Ain't it a shame I have to stop off there when I'm so anxious to get home? Ain't it a regular shame? I'll say it is! I'll say it's a doggone shame!” “Fine. But for glory hallelujah's sake don't go putting any fancy fixings on the story. When men lie they always try to make it too artistic, and that's why women get suspicious. And—Let's have a drink, Georgie. I've got some gin and a little vermouth.” The Paul who normally refused a second cocktail took a second now, and a third. He became red-eyed and thick-tongued. He was embarrassingly jocular and salacious.” source