Woman never can understand the different definitions of a word.
 Sinclair Lewis, Babbitt (1922). copy citation

Author Sinclair Lewis
Source Babbitt
Topic understanding women
Date 1922
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1156/1156-h/1156-h.htm


“Irresponsible leaders. But I mean a fellow ought to be broad-minded and liberal about things like—” “But dearie, I thought you always said these so-called 'liberal' people were the worst of—” “Rats! Woman never can understand the different definitions of a word. Depends on how you mean it. And it don't pay to be too cocksure about anything. Now, these strikers: Honest, they're not such bad people. Just foolish. They don't understand the complications of merchandizing and profit, the way we business men do, but sometimes I think they're about like the rest of us, and no more hogs for wages than we are for profits.”” source