When you have given riding lessons to men of the world or to their sons, they will no longer consider you their equal.
 Guy de Maupassant, Bel-Ami (1885). copy citation

Author Guy de Maupassant
Source Bel-Ami
Topic world lesson
Date 1885
Language English
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Bel_Ami


“In your office at least no one knows you; you can leave it if you wish to at any time. But when you are once a riding-master all will be over. You might as well be a butler in a house to which all Paris comes to dine. When you have given riding lessons to men of the world or to their sons, they will no longer consider you their equal." He paused, reflected several seconds and then asked: "Are you a bachelor?" "Yes, though I have been smitten several times." "That makes no difference. If Cicero and Tiberius were mentioned would you know who they were?"” source