A man who strives after great things, looks upon every one whom he encounters on his way either as a means of advance, or a delay and hindrance—or as a temporary resting-place.
 Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil (1886). copy citation

Author Friedrich Nietzsche
Source Beyond Good and Evil
Topic delay hindrance
Date 1886
Language English
Note Translated by Helen Zimmern
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4363/4363-h/4363-h.htm


“never to think of lowering our duties to the rank of duties for everybody; to be unwilling to renounce or to share our responsibilities; to count our prerogatives, and the exercise of them, among our DUTIES. 273. A man who strives after great things, looks upon every one whom he encounters on his way either as a means of advance, or a delay and hindrance—or as a temporary resting-place. His peculiar lofty BOUNTY to his fellow-men is only possible when he attains his elevation and dominates. Impatience, and the consciousness of being always condemned to comedy up to that time—for even strife is a comedy, and conceals the end, as every means does—spoil all intercourse for him;” source