He who has not a hard heart when young, will never have one.
 Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil (1886). copy citation

Author Friedrich Nietzsche
Source Beyond Good and Evil
Topic heart
Date 1886
Language English
Note Translated by Helen Zimmern
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4363/4363-h/4363-h.htm


“says an old Scandinavian Saga: it is thus rightly expressed from the soul of a proud Viking. Such a type of man is even proud of not being made for sympathy; the hero of the Saga therefore adds warningly: "He who has not a hard heart when young, will never have one." The noble and brave who think thus are the furthest removed from the morality which sees precisely in sympathy, or in acting for the good of others, or in DESINTERESSEMENT, the characteristic of the moral;” source