The laws of the mind are laws of the universe; the reason of man is identical with that of God.
 Gustave Flaubert, Bouvard et Pécuchet (1881). copy citation

Author Gustave Flaubert
Source Bouvard et Pécuchet
Topic God reason
Date 1881
Language English


“Take care of your mask." Pécuchet did not stop. He procured an introduction to the Hegelian philosophy, and wished to explain it to Bouvard. "All that is rational is real. There is not even any reality save the idea. The laws of the mind are laws of the universe; the reason of man is identical with that of God." Bouvard pretended to understand. "Therefore the absolute is, at the same time, the subject and the object, the unity whereby all differences come to be settled. Thus, things that are contradictory are reconciled.” source