When one is in good health he should store up a reserve of courage, in order to meet disappointments in the future.
 Gustave Flaubert, Bouvard et Pécuchet (1881). copy citation


“What are you writing? What are you doing? How about Houssaye? etc. As for myself, I take a river bath every day. I swim like a triton. My health never has been better. My spirits are good, and I am full of hope. When one is in good health he should store up a reserve of courage, in order to meet disappointments in the future. They will come, alas! I believe that in the Rue Richer there is a photographer who sells views of Algiers. If you could find me a view of Medragen (the tomb of the Numidian kings) , near Algiers, and send it to me, I should be very grateful.” source