There is nothing so stupid as to make children learn by heart
 Gustave Flaubert, Bouvard et Pécuchet (1881). copy citation

Author Gustave Flaubert
Source Bouvard et Pécuchet
Topic learning heart
Date 1881
Language English


“Victorine, on certain days, went on capitally for about three minutes, then she would begin to scrawl, and, seized with discouragement, she would sit with her eyes fixed on the ceiling. Victor was not long before he fell asleep, lying over his desk. Perhaps they were distressed by it? Too great a strain was bad for young heads. “Let us stop,” said Bouvard. There is nothing so stupid as to make children learn by heart; yet, if the memory is not exercised, it will go to waste, and so they taught the youngsters to recite like parrots the first fables of La Fontaine. The children expressed their approval of the ant that heaped up treasure, of the wolf that devoured the lamb, and of the lion that took everyone’s share.” source