Art, in its creations, must strive to please only those who have the right to judge it
 Gustave Flaubert, Bouvard et Pécuchet (1881). copy citation

Author Gustave Flaubert
Source Bouvard et Pécuchet
Topic creation art
Date 1881
Language English


““In poetry, one need not consider whether the morals are good, but whether they adapt themselves to the person described; thus will it describe with equal indifference good and bad actions, without suggesting the latter as an example.”—Pierre Corneille. “Art, in its creations, must strive to please only those who have the right to judge it; otherwise it will follow the wrong path.”—Goethe. “All the intellectual beauties and details of a tale (if it is well written) are so many useful facts, and are perhaps more precious to the public mind than the main points that make up the subject.”—Buffon.” source