Hence we cannot be justified by deeds of love.
 Martin Luther, Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535). copy citation

Author Martin Luther
Source Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians
Topic love
Date 1535
Language English
Note Translated by Theodore Graebner
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1549/1549-h/1549-h.htm


“Later on Paul enumerates among the works of the flesh even idolatry and heresy. The apostle's meaning is clear. "I want you to love one another. But you do not do it. In fact you cannot do it, because of your flesh. Hence we cannot be justified by deeds of love. Do not for a moment think that I am reversing myself on my stand concerning faith. Faith and hope must continue. By faith we are justified, by hope we endure to the end. In addition we serve each other in love because true faith is not idle.” source