We are not the heirs of some rich and mighty man, but heirs of God, the almighty Creator of all things.
 Martin Luther, Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535). copy citation

Author Martin Luther
Source Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians
Topic God creator
Date 1535
Language English
Note Translated by Theodore Graebner
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1549/1549-h/1549-h.htm


“In exactly the same way we obtain the eternal gifts of righteousness, resurrection, and everlasting life. We obtain them not as agents, but as beneficiaries. We are the children and heirs of God through faith in Christ. We have Christ to thank for everything. We are not the heirs of some rich and mighty man, but heirs of God, the almighty Creator of all things. If a person could fully appreciate what it means to be a son and heir of God, he would rate the might and wealth of nations small change in comparison with his heavenly inheritance. What is the world to him who has heaven?” source