To God, and not to man, are all men accountable on the score of religion.
 Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776). copy citation

Author Thomas Paine
Source Common Sense
Topic religion God
Date 1776
Language English


““The Ancient Testimony and Principles of the People called Quakers renewed, with Respect to the King and Government, and touching the Commotions now prevailing in these and other parts of America addressed to the People in General.” 166 The Writer of this, is one of those few, who never dishonours religion either by ridiculing, or cavilling at any denomination whatsoever. To God, and not to man, are all men accountable on the score of religion. Wherefore, this epistle is not so properly addressed to you as a religious, but as a political body, dabbling in matters, which the professed Quietude of your Principles instruct you not to meddle with.” source