seeing no man knows what is in man, but the spirit of man which is in him?
 Saint Augustine, Confessions (401). copy citation

Author Saint Augustine
Source Confessions
Topic spirit
Date 401
Language English
Note Translated by E. B. Pusey


“What then have I to do with men, that they should hear my confessions- as if they could heal all my infirmities- a race, curious to know the lives of others, slothful to amend their own? Why seek they to hear from me what I am; who will not hear from Thee what themselves are? And how know they, when from myself they hear of myself, whether I say true; seeing no man knows what is in man, but the spirit of man which is in him? But if they hear from Thee of themselves, they cannot say, "The Lord lieth." For what is it to hear from Thee of themselves, but to know themselves? and who knoweth and saith, "It is false," unless himself lieth?” source