Serious people usually possess a lively sensuality, which makes them highly enjoy those innocent pleasures that are allowed them.
 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Confessions (1782). copy citation

Author Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Source Confessions
Topic pleasure sensuality
Date 1782
Language English
Note Translated by Samuel William Orson


“I have never been so near wisdom as during this period, when I felt no great remorse for the past, nor tormenting fear for the future; the reigning sentiment of my soul being the enjoyment of the present. Serious people usually possess a lively sensuality, which makes them highly enjoy those innocent pleasures that are allowed them. Worldlings (I know not why) impute this to them as a crime: or rather, I well know the cause of this imputation, it is because they envy others the enjoyment of those simple and pure delights which they have lost the relish of.” source