For Art grew great as Humankind grew small.
Thus man’s long progress step by step we trace
 Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow (1921). copy citation

Author Aldous Huxley
Source Crome Yellow
Topic progress art
Date 1921
Language English


“Smiled at his grandsire’s broadsword, bow and bill, And learn’d to wield the Pencil and the Quill. The glowing canvas and the written page Immortaliz’d his name from age to age, His name emblazon’d on Fame’s temple wall; For Art grew great as Humankind grew small. Thus man’s long progress step by step we trace; The Giant dies, the hero takes his place; The Giant vile, the dull heroic Block: At one we shudder and at one we mock. Man last appears. In him the Soul’s pure flame Burns brightlier in a not inord’nate frame.” source