We men of intelligence will learn to harness the insanities to the service of reason. We can’t leave the world any longer to the direction of chance.
 Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow (1921). copy citation

Author Aldous Huxley
Source Crome Yellow
Topic intelligence insanity
Date 1921
Language English
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1999/1999-h/1999-h.htm


“you expend your lust for power in persecuting words, twisting them, moulding them, torturing them to obey you. But I divagate.” “Do you?” asked Denis faintly. “Yes,” Mr. Scogan continued, unheeding, “the time will come. We men of intelligence will learn to harness the insanities to the service of reason. We can’t leave the world any longer to the direction of chance. We can’t allow dangerous maniacs like Luther, mad about dogma, like Napoleon, mad about himself, to go on casually appearing and turning everything upside down. In the past it didn’t so much matter;” source