In no science is such a big fuss made with commonplace truisms as in Political Economy.
 Karl Marx, Das Kapital (1867). copy citation

Author Karl Marx
Source Das Kapital
Topic science
Date 1867
Language English
Note Translated by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling


“If we are acquainted with nothing but the abstract categories of circulation, which are common to all these modes of production, we cannot possibly know anything of the specific points of difference of those modes, nor pronounce any judgment upon them. In no science is such a big fuss made with commonplace truisms as in Political Economy. For instance, J. B. Say sets himself up as a judge of crises, because, forsooth, he knows that a commodity is a product. 26 Translator’s note. — This word is here used in its original signification of the course or track pursued by money as it changes from hand to hand, a course which essentially differs from circulation.” source