When one commodity replaces another, the money-commodity always sticks to the hands of some third person.
 Karl Marx, Das Kapital (1885). copy citation

Author Karl Marx
Source Das Kapital
Topic money commodity
Date 1885
Language English
Weblink https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Capital-Volume-...


“that, though the money-form of any definite quantity of commodities is only transient within the sphere of circulation, still the money transiently in the hands of one man during the metamorphosis of a certain commodity necessarily passes into the hands of another, so that in the first instance commodities are not only exchanged all-sidedly, or replace one another, but this replacement is promoted and accompanied by an all-sided precipitation of money. “When one commodity replaces another, the money-commodity always sticks to the hands of some third person. Circulation sweats money from every pore.” (Buch I, S. 92.) [English edition: p. 113. — Ed.] The same identical fact is expressed, on the basis of the capitalist production of commodities, by a portion of capital constantly existing in the form of money-capital, and a portion of surplus-value constantly being found in the hands of its owners, likewise in the form of money.” source