for the revenue of a nation is not appraised, like that of an individual, by its value, but by its utility or by the wants which it can satisfy.
 Karl Marx, Das Kapital (1894). copy citation

Author Karl Marx
Source Das Kapital
Topic utility value
Date 1894
Language English


“Storch expresses the opinion of many others when he says: "The saleable products which make up the national revenue must be considered in political economy in two different ways: relative to individuals as values, and relative to the nation as goods; for the revenue of a nation is not appraised, like that of an individual, by its value, but by its utility or by the wants which it can satisfy." (Considérations sur le revenu national, p. 19.) In the first place, it is a false abstraction to regard a nation whose mode of production is based upon value, and furthermore is capitalistically organised, as an aggregate body working merely for the satisfaction of the national wants.” source