Money is so much harder to obtain, the less the commodity-form constitutes the general form of products.
 Karl Marx, Das Kapital (1894). copy citation

Author Karl Marx
Source Das Kapital
Topic money commodity
Date 1894
Language English


“but by means of interest he transforms this hoard of money into capital, that is, into a means of appropriating surplus labour in part or in its entirety, and similarly securing a hold on a part of the means of production themselves, even though they may nominally remain the property of others. Usury lives in the pores of production, as it were, just as the gods of Epicurus lived in the space between worlds. Money is so much harder to obtain, the less the commodity-form constitutes the general form of products. Hence the usurer knows no other barrier but the capacity of those who need money to pay or to resist. In small-peasant and small-burgher production money serves as a means of purchase, mainly, whenever the means of production of the labourer” source