One person competes with another, and competition compels him to sell his commodities at the same price as the other.
 Karl Marx, Das Kapital (1894). copy citation

Author Karl Marx
Source Das Kapital
Topic competition price
Date 1894
Language English


“It has brought about a commodity-price whereby every capital yields the same profit in proportion to its magnitude. The magnitude of this profit itself, however, is independent of competition. The latter merely reduces, again and again, all deviations to this magnitude. One person competes with another, and competition compels him to sell his commodities at the same price as the other. But why is this price 10 or 20 or 100? Thus, nothing remains but to declare rate of profit, and therefore profit, to be in some unaccountable manner a definite extra charge added to the price of commodities, which up to this point was determined by wages.” source