Much of what adults do is so remote in space and in meaning that playful imitation is less and less adequate to reproduce its spirit.
 John Dewey, Democracy and Education (1916). copy citation

Author John Dewey
Source Democracy and Education
Topic imitation spirit
Date 1916
Language English


“But as civilization advances, the gap between the capacities of the young and the concerns of adults widens. Learning by direct sharing in the pursuits of grown-ups becomes increasingly difficult except in the case of the less advanced occupations. Much of what adults do is so remote in space and in meaning that playful imitation is less and less adequate to reproduce its spirit. Ability to share effectively in adult activities thus depends upon a prior training given with this end in view. Intentional agencies—schools—and explicit material—studies—are devised. The task of teaching certain things is delegated to a special group of persons.” source