A society which rests upon the supremacy of some factor over another irrespective of its rational or proportionate claims, inevitably leads thought astray.
 John Dewey, Democracy and Education (1916). copy citation

Author John Dewey
Source Democracy and Education
Topic society supremacy
Date 1916
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/852/852-h/852-h.htm


“A disorganized and factional society sets up a number of different models and standards. Under such conditions it is impossible for the individual to attain consistency of mind. Only a complete whole is fully self-consistent. A society which rests upon the supremacy of some factor over another irrespective of its rational or proportionate claims, inevitably leads thought astray. It puts a premium on certain things and slurs over others, and creates a mind whose seeming unity is forced and distorted. Education proceeds ultimately from the patterns furnished by institutions, customs, and laws.” source