The evils from which society suffers are set down to the efforts of misguided individuals to transgress these boundaries.
 John Dewey, Democracy and Education (1916). copy citation

Author John Dewey
Source Democracy and Education
Topic society suffering
Date 1916
Language English


“In such matters, dogma is still to be supreme; certain eternal truths made known by revelation, intuition, or the wisdom of our forefathers set unpassable limits to individual observation and speculation. The evils from which society suffers are set down to the efforts of misguided individuals to transgress these boundaries. Between the physical and the moral sciences, lie intermediate sciences of life, where the territory is only grudgingly yielded to freedom of inquiry under the pressure of accomplished fact. Although past history has demonstrated that the possibilities of human good are widened and made more secure by trusting to a responsibility built up within the very process of inquiry, the "authority"” source