When a man is eating, he is eating food. He does not divide his act into eating and food.
 John Dewey, Democracy and Education (1916). copy citation

Author John Dewey
Source Democracy and Education
Topic food eating
Date 1916
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/852/852-h/852-h.htm


“In whole-hearted play and work there is the same phenomenon. When we reflect upon an experience instead of just having it, we inevitably distinguish between our own attitude and the objects toward which we sustain the attitude. When a man is eating, he is eating food. He does not divide his act into eating and food. But if he makes a scientific investigation of the act, such a discrimination is the first thing he would effect. He would examine on the one hand the properties of the nutritive material, and on the other hand the acts of the organism in appropriating and digesting.” source