In America the people is a master whose exigencies demand obedience to the utmost limits of possibility.
 Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (1835). copy citation

Author Alexis de Tocqueville
Source Democracy in America
Topic obedience limit
Date 1835
Language English
Note Translated by Henry Reeve


“The people the source of all power here as elsewhere—Manages its own affairs—No corporation—The greater part of the authority vested in the hands of the Selectmen—How the Selectmen act—Town-meeting—Enumeration of the public officers of the township—Obligatory and remunerated functions. In the township, as well as everywhere else, the people is the only source of power; but in no stage of government does the body of citizens exercise a more immediate influence. In America the people is a master whose exigencies demand obedience to the utmost limits of possibility. In New England the majority acts by representatives in the conduct of the public business of the State; but if such an arrangement be necessary in general affairs, in the townships, where the legislative and administrative action of the government is in more immediate contact with the subject, the system of representation is not adopted.” source