Poor men in America would often appear rich in comparison with the poor of Europe
 Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (1835). copy citation

Author Alexis de Tocqueville
Source Democracy in America
Topic comparison
Date 1835
Language English
Note Translated by Henry Reeve
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/815/815-h/815-h.htm


“In other words, the government of the democracy is the only one under which the power which lays on taxes escapes the payment of them. e [ The word poor is used here, and throughout the remainder of this chapter, in a relative, not in an absolute sense. Poor men in America would often appear rich in comparison with the poor of Europe; but they may with propriety by styled poor in comparison with their more affluent countrymen.] It may be objected (but the argument has no real weight) that the true interest of the people is indissolubly connected with that of the wealthier portion of the community, since it cannot but suffer by the severe measures to which it resorts.” source