An aristocrat is irresistible when he goes in for democracy! To sacrifice life, your own or another’s is nothing to you.
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Demons (1872). copy citation

Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Source Demons
Topic democracy sacrifice
Date 1872
Language English
Note Translated by Constance Garnett in 1916


“You are my idol! You injure no one, and every one hates you. You treat every one as an equal, and yet every one is afraid of you—that’s good. Nobody would slap you on the shoulder. You are an awful aristocrat. An aristocrat is irresistible when he goes in for democracy! To sacrifice life, your own or another’s is nothing to you. You are just the man that’s needed. It’s just such a man as you that I need. I know no one but you. You are the leader, you are the sun and I am your worm.” He suddenly kissed his hand. A shiver ran down Stavrogin’s spine, and he pulled away his hand in dismay.” source