The difference between good and bad men is determined by public esteem
 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Among Men (1755). copy citation

Author Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Source Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Among Men
Topic difference self-esteem
Date 1755
Language English
Note Translated by G. D. H. Cole


“and with regard to morality, where no measures can be prescribed by law exact enough to serve as a practical rule for a magistrate, it is with great prudence that, in order not to leave the fortune or quality of the citizens to his discretion, it prohibits him from passing judgment on persons and confines his judgment to actions. Only morals such as those of the ancient Romans can bear censors, and such a tribunal among us would throw everything into confusion. The difference between good and bad men is determined by public esteem; the magistrate being strictly a judge of right alone; whereas the public is the truest judge of morals, and is of such integrity and penetration on this head, that although it may be sometimes deceived, it can never be corrupted.” source