Where there is no love, of what advantage is beauty?
 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Among Men (1755). copy citation

Author Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Source Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Among Men
Topic beauty love
Date 1755
Language English
Note Translated by G. D. H. Cole
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Discourse_on_the_Origin_of_Inequality_Amo...


“But even if nature really affected, in the distribution of her gifts, that partiality which is imputed to her, what advantage would the greatest of her favourites derive from it, to the detriment of others, in a state that admits of hardly any kind of relation between them? Where there is no love, of what advantage is beauty? Of what use is wit to those who do not converse, or cunning to those who have no business with others? I hear it constantly repeated that, in such a state, the strong would oppress the weak; but what is here meant by oppression?” source