But love is quick to know when it is spurned and hopeless
 Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son (1846). copy citation

Author Charles Dickens
Source Dombey and Son
Topic love
Date 1846
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/821/821-h/821-h.htm


“Did a mad jealousy and withered pride, poison sweet remembrances that should have endeared and made her precious to him? Could it be possible that it was gall to him to look upon her in her beauty and her promise: thinking of his infant boy! Florence had no such thoughts. But love is quick to know when it is spurned and hopeless: and hope died out of hers, as she stood looking in her father’s face. ‘I ask you, Florence, are you frightened? Is there anything the matter, that you come here?’ ‘I came, Papa—’ ‘Against my wishes.” source