Self-love in man, too, beats all female art; They lie, we lie, all lie, but love no less
 Lord Byron, Don Juan (1819). copy citation

Author Lord Byron
Source Don Juan
Topic love art
Date 1819
Language English


“I own no prosody can ever rate it As a rule, but truth may, if you translate it. If fair Gulbeyaz overdid her part, I know not—it succeeded, and success Is much in most things, not less in the heart Than other articles of female dress. Self-love in man, too, beats all female art; They lie, we lie, all lie, but love no less; And no one virtue yet, except starvation, Could stop that worst of vices—propagation. We leave this royal couple to repose: A bed is not a throne, and they may sleep, Whate'er their dreams be, if of joys or woes:” source